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San Pedro de Paucarbamba

* 1 places have coordinates and are shown on this map.


  • Ancient:

    Note Repartimiento: alguna parte dellos en otros dos pueblos diferentes encomenderos

  • Modern:
    • Peru
    • Province: Churcampa
    • Department: Huancavelica
    • Pueblo: Paucarbamba

    Note Modern-location: Capital of province

  • Coordinates:
    • Lat. -12.5540954°
    • Long. -74.53206238°
  • Coordinates:
    • -12 33 14.74200 -074 31 55.42320
  • Works Cited

    Any information without attribution has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines.

    • 1 Levillier 1921-26 v9 , pp: 181.
    • 2 Levillier 1921-26 v9 , pp: 181.
    • 3 AGI-L , part: 30v.


    • Standardized: San Pedro de Paucarbamba
    • Standardized Spanish: San Pedro de
    • Standardized Andean: Paucarbamba
    • Verbatim: san pedro de paucarbamba

    How to Cite This Entry

    Steven A. Wernke and Jeremy Mumford, “San Pedro de Paucarbamba” in LOGAR Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region entry published May 9, 2016, LOGAR Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region, ed. Steven A. Wernke and Jeremy Mumford. http://logarandes.org/place/189.


    Steven A. Wernke and Jeremy Mumford, “San Pedro de Paucarbamba.” In LOGAR Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region. Entry published May 9, 2016. LOGAR Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region, edited by Steven A. Wernke and Jeremy Mumford. http://logarandes.org/place/189.

    About this Entry

    Entry Title: San Pedro de Paucarbamba

    Publication Date: May 9, 2016

    Edited: May 9, 2016. Merged into [http://logarandes.org/place/561] and deprecated.
    May 9, 2016. Location corrections provided by Akira Saito of the National Museum of Ethnology, Japan and his team.

    Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

    • Steven A. Wernke and Jeremy Mumford, general editors, LOGAR Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region
    • Steven A. Wernke, Jeremy Mumford, and sd, entry contributors, “San Pedro de Paucarbamba

    Additional Credit:

    • Editing, proofreading, data entry and revision by Steven A. Wernke
    • Editing, proofreading, data entry and revision by Jeremy Mumford
    • Editing for locational accuracy by sd

    Copyright and License for Reuse

    Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2016.

    Creative Commons License

    Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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